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2023-01-17 11:00
2023-01-17 12:00
Civil society and municipal activism around migration in the EU
Sala Triaria, Villa Schifanoia and Online Via Boccaccio 121, and Youtube
Join this seminar that will discuss civil society and municipal actors – and the interaction between one another – which have become increasingly relevant in EU migration governance.
Moving from this understanding, instances of migration activism are explored, in connection with the proactive and contentious role of cities. This is done by the presenter's in-depth analysis of the dual EU-wide network From the Sea to the City/International Alliance of Safe Harbours, which gathers numerous civil society initiatives and municipalities. Based on extensive empirical research, his contribution illustrates why the emergence of a multi-scale alliance between civil society and municipal actors around migration is the result of the interaction between the political agency of these actors and the changing institutional opportunities and constraints at different governance levels. Different spatial and political dimensions are investigated, from cities to transnational arenas, reflecting on their significance in the construction of an EU-wide contentious politics of migration.
For a virtual attendance please find the seminar on our YouTube channel at the following link: