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2023-04-27 09:30
2023-04-27 17:00
The Aftermath of Earthquakes: Political and Economic Dynamics in Syria and Turkey
Hybrid (Cappella, Villa Schifanoia and via Webex)
This one-day workshop comprises of two panels that aim to address the political, economic, and diplomatic challenges raised by the earthquakes.
On 6 February 2023, southern Turkey and northwest Syria were struck by a crippling 7.8 magnitude earthquake and a series of strong tremors and aftershocks. The death toll has exceeded 50,000, with thousands more injured, trapped under rubble, or left homeless. In so many ways, the natural disaster made already intertwined political and economic dynamics in both countries more salient. In Turkey, the management of the disaster represents a major challenge for the AKP-led government in the run-up to the next legislative and presidential elections (May/June 2023). Furthermore, the natural disaster and its ensuing repercussions have reinforced inquiries about Turkey’s policy towards Syrian refugees in the country and about Turkey’s strategy in Syria. In Syria, the aid response remains fragmented and unbalanced. In the rebel-held northwest, the failure to bring humanitarian aid stems from the foreign policy entanglement between Ankara, Damascus, and Idlib de facto authorities. While the increasing international aid to regime-held areas may impact internal political dynamics, the natural disaster has also far-reaching consequences on EU foreign policies towards Damascus and Ankara.