The format
The aim of the colloquium is to give researchers at any stage of their research the opportunity to reflect and receive feedback on their work. The participants are encouraged to participate also in the expert workshop of the preceding day. That said, the PhD colloquium will take place in hybrid format, allowing also for remote participation.
Call for abstracts
We welcome submissions on different perspectives of human rights and climate change. The colloquium aims at creating a space for fruitful discussions on the topic from as diversified perspectives and angles of analysis as possible.
Application procedure
If you would like to present your work at this colloquium, please submit a title and abstract of around 300 words to [email protected], by 10 March 2023. The confirmation to participate, together with the final programme, will be circulated shortly thereafter. Accepted applicants will by the end of March be expected to submit short papers (of 3000-4000 words) or an extended outline to facilitate the discussions.
The PhD colloquium follows the expert workshop "Climate change cases before human rights courts and treaty bodies", which will take place on 14 April.