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Online Debate

Will ESG disclosure help us reach the objectives of the Paris Agreement?

A new event of the #FBFDiscuss series

Add to calendar 2023-05-03 13:00 2023-05-03 14:00 Europe/Rome Will ESG disclosure help us reach the objectives of the Paris Agreement? Online Zoom YYYY-MM-DD


03 May 2023

13:00 - 14:00 CEST




The next debate in our #FBFDiscuss! series will feature Linda Zeilina (International Sustainable Finance Centre) as a proponent and Florian Berg (MIT Sloan School of Management) as an opponent to discuss the role of ESG disclosure in achieving the Paris Agreement's objectives.

Ever since the establishment of a Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures in 2015 by the Financial Stability Board (FSB), disclosure has been a key pillar of public policies to promote the development of sustainable finance as well as better understanding of climate related financial risks globally. While experts generally agree that disclosure rules will add value to support the transition to net zero, opinions differ on how useful ESG disclosures will be to reach the objectives of the Paris Agreement. This dynamic seminar, part of #FBFDiscuss, will bring contrarian arguments to the fore to help us look at both sides of this conversation. 

Linda Zeilina (International Sustainable Finance Centre) and Florian Berg (MIT Sloan School of Management) will debate the issues at hand in an Oxford-style debate, moderated by Pierre Schlosser, and with the audience able to weigh in via live polls and a Q&A session.

Registration is open to all, and free of charge. 

Scientific Organiser(s):

Naïs Ralaison (EUI - RSCAS)


Linda Zeilina (European University Institute)

Florian Berg

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