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'The euro is not what we expected it to be.' Discuss!

EMU Lab - Roundtable on the history of European Economic and Monetary Integration

Add to calendar 2024-01-09 17:00 2024-01-09 19:00 Europe/Rome 'The euro is not what we expected it to be.' Discuss! Sala Europa Villa Schifanoia YYYY-MM-DD


09 January 2024

17:00 - 19:00 CET


Sala Europa

Villa Schifanoia

The Euro area has proved resilient to major crises and continued to expand. But it has only partly delivered on the expectations of its founders. The first EMU Lab Session revisits the history of EMU, looking at promising and false starts, missed opportunities and remarkable achievements, with a view to identifying remaining challenges over the longue durée.

The core objective of the EMU Lab is to dissect and rethink the EMU’s architecture in the light of present-day conditions in Europe and the global economy. Our aim is to identify avenues for research and policy innovation that could foster the advancement of the EMU's stability, growth and fairness to enhance the resilience of the European economy and society.

The EMU Lab aims at integrating interdisciplinary research and policy analysis and bring new ideas and proposals to the policy fora through different outlets - discussion papers, notes, workshops, op-eds and conferences.

The EMU Lab adopts a multidisciplinary approach and foster synergies among scholars, policy makers, market participants and other stakeholders. A collaborative effort is necessary to gain a deeper understanding of the multifaceted economic and political dynamics at play in the EMU and structure proposals on the way forward in key traditional areas (such as Banking Union, Capital Markets Union, the Single Market) and new areas (such as Fiscal Union, European Public Goods, industrial policy), taking into account the political, institutional and geo-strategic developments in Europe and abroad.

The event will also be livestreamed at this link:

This first session of the EMU Lab will feature a panel discussion centred around the history of the Economic and Monetary Union, specifically highlighting the difference between the expectations of its founders and the tangible accomplishments. 



Martin Sandbu (Financial Times)

Prof. Waltraud Schelkle (European University Institute)

Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol (EUI - Department of History)

Barry Eichengreen (Berkeley University)

Catherine Schenk (Oxford University)

Adam Tooze (Columbia University)

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