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The World We Share

Add to calendar 2023-11-20 11:30 2023-11-20 13:00 Europe/Rome The World We Share Hannah Arendt Room Buontalenti - Casino Mediceo YYYY-MM-DD


20 November 2023

11:30 - 13:00 CET


Hannah Arendt Room

Buontalenti - Casino Mediceo

Building on the launch event that took place in April 2023, this workshop will bring together participants from the EUI community and beyond to share their ideas on the “World We Share” (WWS).

The World We Share (WWS), an STG project co-convened by Kalypso Nicolaidis (Professor, EUI School of Transnational Governance), Philip Stephens (Contributing Editor, Financial Times) and Fabrizio Tassinari (Executive Director, EUI School of Transnational Governance), seeks to take stock of the profound changes in the global order accelerated by the war in Ukraine as well as to contribute to debates on the shape of the new order to come, by highlighting in particular the relevance of values, rules and institutions as the foundation for global order. 

Though the Pax Americana has passed, the contours of the new geopolitical landscape have yet to be clearly drawn. Some imagine a world defined by Sino-American rivalry, others a broader confrontation between democracies and autocracies, and others still a multipolar world in which second-tier powers come to play a pivotal role as the Global South renegotiates its autonomous power. 

All of these scenarios bring to question the future of multilateralism. The WWS project will therefore focus on the UN Summit of the Future 2024 (September 2024) by engaging with the report of the UN’s High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism. The project will explore the idea of a radical shift in our approach to global governance in order to engage with the long term – as well as the geopolitical and democratic – implications of such a shift. 

The aim of this workshop – open to the STG community as well as the wider EUI community and beyond – is to share participants’ ideas on what this global order could or should look like. We will tackle the questions: how can the multilateral order be re-engineered to gain wider global legitimacy while preserving rules that serve the common interest? Can the UN Summit of the Future 2024 take us closer to this goal? If so, in what specific areas and ways?

The workshop will take place in hybrid format and is open to all. Please register to attend (indicating if you will participate online or in presence). 

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