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International Political Economy Society (IPES) conference - Deadline 15 April

Call for papers

Add to calendar 2024-11-08 09:00 2024-11-09 18:00 Europe/Rome International Political Economy Society (IPES) conference - Deadline 15 April European University Institute YYYY-MM-DD


Fri 08 Nov 2024 09.00 - 18.00

Sat 09 Nov 2024 09.00 - 18.00


European University Institute

The International Political Economy Society (IPES) is now accepting paper proposals for its annual meeting to be held at the European University Institute

The International Political Economy Society (IPES) is now accepting paper proposals for its annual meeting to be held on 8 - 9 November 2024 at the European University Institute. 

Proposals can be submitted on the IPES website. To submit a proposal, you must have signed up for an account on the new web page (click 'Sign up' in the upper right-hand corner and respond to the verification email if you have not already) and log in to the web page. Once you are logged in, access the submission page from the home page or the 'Conferences' tab.

The abstract for each proposed paper should be sufficiently detailed to allow the steering committee to assess its suitability for the conference, but should not exceed 500 words and identify two keywords. The deadline for proposals is 15 April 15 2024. The preliminary program will be announced and participants notified by June 2024.

The first eighteen meetings of the IPES have been enormously successful. The program, papers, and presentations are available online. Papers appropriate for the conference include some international component (i.e., either the independent or dependent variable must be 'international' in some meaningful sense), and either focus on the politics of economic phenomena (e.g., globalisation) or an economic policy (e.g., monetary policy). The Society welcomes scholars using diverse approaches and methods, including qualitative and historical approaches.

In order to ensure that as many as possible can appear on the program, each scholar is limited to one paper proposal as sole author and no more than two papers as co-author. Paper presenters are expected to post their papers on the website prior to the conference. The paper must be received before the conference begins in order to be eligible for awards.

Rationale for the Society

IPES provides an annual forum for scholars of international political economy to present their best new work in progress to an informed and critical scholarly audience. The annual conference is centered on a small number of carefully selected papers. We are particularly interested in recruiting participants and papers from outside the field of political science and from outside North America. 

Expenses for the conference

IPES does not have any permanent institutional support. There is a registration fee of $200 for faculty and $50 for graduate students attending the conference. This fee will be waived for faculty and students of the host institution (all participants will be asked to pre-register).

All participants are expected to pay their own travel and hotel expenses. We understand that travel funds are limited for everyone. We hope that the high quality of the meeting and discussions will make this a worthwhile expense. We may have limited funds to help defray housing costs for some graduate students and junior faculty, but we will not be able to assist everyone in these categories. If you wish to be considered for travel funds, please explain in a separate paragraph below your abstract why assistance is necessary.

Information about registering for the conference will be forthcoming in July 2024 with the preliminary program and posted on our website.

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