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Exorbitant privilege: a safe-asset view

Macroeconomics Seminar

Add to calendar 2024-06-03 13:30 2024-06-03 14:45 Europe/Rome Exorbitant privilege: a safe-asset view Conference Room Villa La Fonte YYYY-MM-DD


03 June 2024

13:30 - 14:45 CEST


Conference Room

Villa La Fonte

This seminar features a presentation by Zhengyang Jiang (Northwestern University).


I propose a dynamic model of the reserve currency paradigm that centres on the liquidity demand for safe assets. In global recessions, the demand for the U.S. safe bond increases and raises its convenience yield, giving rise to a stronger dollar and a countercyclical seigniorage revenue. The seigniorage revenue raises the U.S. wealth and consumption shares in recessions, despite the U.S. suffering portfolio losses from its external positions. This asset demand channel also connects exchange rate dynamics to the marginal utility over bond holding, which provides new perspectives on exchange rate disconnect and on the relationship between exchange rates and capital flows. Under this safe-asset view, exorbitant privilege does not require exorbitant duty.


Zhengyang Jiang (Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University)

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