In the era of permacrisis, complexity and urgency have become common features of policy making challenging both the design of policies and their accountability. In conjunction with the Florence School of Transnational Governance, the journal European Political Science is organising a panel to discuss these increased demands for policymakers.
How can expertise be best incorporated in the policy cycle to develop efficient and decisive policy responses to the increasingly complex policy problems that often surpass the national level? And when this happens, how can we ensure that these policies are acceptable to the citizens to be supported and implemented?
In this debate, issues such as the role of experts in policy making, evidence-informed policy making, public policy co-creation, and democratic accountability will be discussed and linked to each other.
Special attention will be given to the role of political scientists, and other experts, when acting as government advisors during crisis. The speakers will discuss how expert advice and democratic accountability can co-exist when multiple levels of governance should work together to respond to global challenges such as climate crisis or the fast-paced technological developments.
The event is part of the ECPR House Series and will be held at Palazzo Buontalenti, the premises of the Florence School of Transnational Governance, EUI. Attendance is also available online.
All are welcome to attend. Please register, indicating if you will attend in person or online. Following the event, participants are invited to join a reception with light refreshments.