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Connections, conflicts, and convergences

Part two

Add to calendar 2025-02-28 10:00 2025-02-28 17:00 Europe/Rome Connections, conflicts, and convergences Nelson Mandela Room Buontalenti - Casino Mediceo YYYY-MM-DD


28 February 2025

10:00 - 17:00 CET


Nelson Mandela Room

Buontalenti - Casino Mediceo

Organised by

This two-day event is hosted by the Visual and Material History Working Group.
Visual and material culture are key to understanding ideas of what the ‘other’ means. In this conference, we intend to explore the material expressions of this concept between multiple cultures in a timeframe that stretches from approximately 1500 to 1800. This concept will be considered in three thematical panels, each focusing on a different place’s possible connections, conflicts, and/or convergences, with other cultures. It will ask how material and visual objects found in these geographies represent notions of ‘othering’, and portray connections to other geographies, or vice versa. The focus of the conference will be the material and visual embodiments of interactions that have taken place between Asia, Europe, and Africa in the past. Attention is given to blurring between different cultures, or where imitation of visual and material objects occurs as a by-product of exchanges.
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