Webinar Using trade provisions to make environmental agreements more dynamic Add to calendar 2025-02-04 14:00 2025-02-04 15:30 Europe/Rome Using trade provisions to make environmental agreements more dynamic Outside EUI premises YYYY-MM-DD Print Share on Facebook Share on X Share on LinkedIn Send by email When 04 February 2025 14:00 - 15:30 CET Where Outside EUI premises Organised by Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies GGP: Global Governance Programme Join Clara Brandi as she explores how trade provisions can enhance the adaptability and impact of environmental agreements. The paper examines the impact of trade provisions on treaty dynamism. It distinguishes between static treaties, which remain unchanged, and dynamic treaties, which evolve by generating new commitments through additional rules or the inclusion of new parties. The research argues that incorporating trade provisions into multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) enhances their dynamism. These provisions can empower interest groups to advocate for new international commitments and encourage businesses in non-party states to pressure their governments to join the MEA. By analysing a dataset of 647 MEAs, the study finds that provisions restricting economic activities are associated with higher numbers of amendments and accessions. These findings provide crucial insights into addressing the ‘ambition/participation dilemma’ of MEAs and designing more flexible treaties, particularly at a time of growing interest in using trade measures to establish international climate clubs.This event is co-organised with the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) and the Research Centre International Economics (FIW). The project leading to this webinar has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 101031139. Any dissemination of the results of this event, reflect only the presenters' view. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains. Scientific Organiser(s): Fabio Santeramo (European University Institute) Mahdi Ghodsi (The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies) Contact(s): Valentina Gorgoni Speaker(s): Clara Brandi (German Instiute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)) Discussant(s): Joschka Wanner (Universität Würzburg)