We provide new evidence of forward-looking labour supply responses to changes in pension wealth. We exploit a 2014 German reform that increased pension wealth for mothers by an average of 4.4% per child born before January 1, 1992. Using administrative data on the universe of working histories, we implement a difference-in-differences design comparing women who had their first child before versus after January 1, 1992. We document significant reductions in labour earnings, driven by intensive margin responses. Our estimates imply that, on average, an extra euro of pension wealth in a given period reduces unconditional labour earnings by 54 cents.
Co-authored with E. Artmann and N. Fuchs-Schündeln
'Gender Talks at Villa La Fonte' is a monthly forum dedicated to presenting and discussing gender-related topics. The events include presentations from both internal and occasional external speakers, followed by discussions on the presented topics. The goal is to encourage a dynamic exchange of ideas and perspectives in the field of gender economics. The 'Women in VLF' initiative invites everyone to participate in these inclusive debates, providing an academic perspective on issues that impact our everyday experiences.