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Bargaining Foundations for the Outside Option Principle

Departmental Seminar

Add to calendar 2025-01-27 14:00 2025-01-27 15:15 Europe/Rome Bargaining Foundations for the Outside Option Principle Seminar Room 3rd Floor Villa La Fonte YYYY-MM-DD


27 January 2025

14:00 - 15:15 CET


Seminar Room 3rd Floor

Villa La Fonte

In this departmental seminar, Mihai Manea (Stony Brook University) will present the paper: 'Bargaining Foundations for the Outside Option Principle.'

We study a bargaining game in which a seller can trade with one of two buyers, who have values h and l (h > l). The outside option principle (OOP) predicts that the seller trades with the high-value buyer with probability converging to 1 at a price converging to max(h=2; l) as players become patient. While this prediction is supported by the Markov perfect equilibrium (MPE), a wide range of trading outcomes may emerge in subgame perfect equilibria (SPEs): in the patient limit, the seller can obtain any price in the interval [h=2; h] (and no other); moreover, allocative inefficiency and costly delay are possible. 

We propose equilibrium refinements less restrictive than Markov behaviour that guarantee trading outcomes consistent with OOP. One refinement requires that a buyer’s relative probability of trade does not increase dramatically following a failed negotiation with that buyer. This refinement implies that the seller receives at least the OOP price. Another refinement requires that the seller does not approach a buyer hoping that negotiations fail. SPEs satisfying both refinements conform with OOP (but need not be MPEs). Our benchmark model features strategic matching by the seller. We provide a parallel analysis for the random matching protocol. Under random matching, prices in SPEs may also rise above and fall below l, but cannot get as low as h=2 when the outside option is binding. A refinement particular to this protocol that supports the OOP predictions requires that a random match should not impact the seller’s payoff excessively.

Co-authors: Dilip Abreu

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