Webinar High tariffs, high stakes The policy drivers behind firm-level adoption of green technologies Add to calendar 2025-03-04 16:00 2025-03-04 17:30 Europe/Rome High tariffs, high stakes Outside EUI premises YYYY-MM-DD Print Share on Facebook Share on X Share on LinkedIn Send by email When 04 March 2025 16:00 - 17:30 CET Where Outside EUI premises Organised by Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies GGP: Global Governance Programme Join this seminar to explore how tariffs and non-tariff measures influence firms’ green technology imports and impact climate goals. This seminar investigates the role of trade policy in firms’ adoption of green technologies by analysing firm-level import transaction data from 35 emerging markets. It explores how tariffs and non-tariff measures (NTMs) impact imports of key products in solar photovoltaic, wind power, and electric vehicle value chains. The findings reveal that tariffs significantly reduce firms’ green technology imports, particularly affecting downstream segments and smaller firms, while NTMs have more varied effects. The study provides key policy insights, advocating for open trade policies in emerging markets to facilitate green technology diffusion and support climate goals.This event is co-organised with the European University Institute (EUI) and the Research Centre International Economics (FIW). The seminar provides a forum for presentation and discussion of recent academic research in the field of international economics.The event will be recorded. Links: REGISTER HERE Register Scientific Organiser(s): Fabio Santeramo (European University Institute) Mahdi Ghodsi (The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies) Contact(s): Valentina Gorgoni Discussant(s): Emilia Lamonaca (University of Foggia) Speaker(s): Samuel Rosenow (International Finance Corporation (IFC))