Digital policies play a pivotal role in shaping Europe’s economy and society. Much is at stake: individual rights and freedoms, democracy, economic opportunities and social equity, market competitiveness and innovation, and Europe’s position on the global stage. While recent years have seen Europe make significant progress towards a just and human-centric digital transformation, there is still much to be done to build a fairer, more sustainable, and competitive digital landscape.
In December 2024, the European University Institute (EUI) published a Report titled Charting the Digital and Technological Future of Europe: What Priorities for the European Commission in 2024-2029? This Report features interdisciplinary ‘think pieces’ by the researchers working at the EUI on the digital transformation, reflecting on a wide range of issues shaping the digital landscape.
This Policy Dialogue, organised jointly by the European University Institute and Carnegie Europe, aims to provide a forum to present the EUI Report and engage in a meaningful policy discussion on the digital priorities that will shape the agenda of the EU leadership during its new mandate.
The event is kindly supported by the EUI DigiCluster - Digital transformations and society.
This event is by invitation only.