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Working group

The EU’s Evolving Legal Order

Interpretation, Consistency and Discourse - Visiting Researchers Forum

Add to calendar 2025-03-05 15:00 2025-03-05 17:30 Europe/Rome The EU’s Evolving Legal Order Sala dei Cuoi and Zoom YYYY-MM-DD


05 March 2025

15:00 - 17:30 CET


Sala dei Cuoi and Zoom

Organised by

This event is organised by the European Law Working Group and will host three guest speakers dealing with EU law.

The European Law Working Group will host three outstanding visiting researchers at the EUI Department of Law dealing with EU law. The topics of the guest researchers’ presentations will range from the rhetoric of the EU rule of law and the duty of consistency and coherence in EU external action to the methodology of EU law conform interpretation of national law. The Visiting Researchers’ Forum will allow the EUI community to learn about and engage with their latest work. You can read more about their presentations in the abstracts in the document attached below.


Meret Plucis (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): 'The Language of Power – the Rhetorics of the EU Rule of Law'

Areg Navasartian Havani (Université libre de Bruxelles): 'Consistency and Coherence in EU External Action: A Holistic Interpretation'

Daniel Gosch (Universität Graz): 'System-Conforming Interpretation in Multi-Level Legal Systems'

Scientific Organiser(s):

Ieva Hūna (European University Institute)

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