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The Role of the European Ombudsman in protecting and promoting disability rights

Add to calendar 2025-04-02 15:00 2025-04-02 17:00 Europe/Rome The Role of the European Ombudsman in protecting and promoting disability rights Sala Triaria Villa Schifanoia YYYY-MM-DD


02 April 2025

15:00 - 17:00 CEST


Sala Triaria

Villa Schifanoia

Join Delia Ferri as she explores the positive impact that the Ombudsman has had as a watchdog in protecting disability rights.

The European Ombudsman is an independent and impartial body that holds the European Union institutions and bodies to account and promotes the right to good administration, pursuant to Article 41 EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. Since 2013, the Ombudsman has been involved in promoting, protecting, and monitoring the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) as part of the EU framework. What has been its role in protecting disability rights? In this event, Delia Ferri will shed light on the positive impact that the Ombudsman has had as an efficient ‘watchdog’.

Her analysis will map and critically examine complaints related to equal opportunity for people with disabilities, accessibility, and, more broadly, disability rights, that the Ombudsman has dealt with since the conclusion of the CRPD by the EU.


Federica Casarosa | Centre for Judicial Cooperation, EUI


Delia Ferri | Maynooth University


Marta Hirsh-Ziembinska | European Ombudsman's Principal Advisor on Charter Compliance

Ella De Jonge | Human and Fundamental Rights Working Group, EUI

Anna Morandini | Human and Fundamental Rights Working Group, EUI

Scientific Organiser(s):

Federica Casarosa (EUI)

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