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Inaugural meeting of the International Thinking and Planetary Futures Research Cluster

Add to calendar 2025-02-17 17:00 2025-02-17 18:30 Europe/Rome Inaugural meeting of the International Thinking and Planetary Futures Research Cluster Seminar Room Mansarda and Zoom YYYY-MM-DD


17 February 2025

17:00 - 18:30 CET


Seminar Room Mansarda and Zoom

The inaugural meeting of the International Thinking and Planetary Futures Interdisciplinary Research Cluster will discuss the cluster's plans to draw on international thinking across the EUI in order to engage new discussions about the planetary in interdisciplinary ways.

The cluster, co-coordinated by EUI Professors Arnulf Becker Lorca, Stephanie Hofmann, Alexander Monge-Naranjo, Sergio Puig de la Parra, and Glenda Sluga, aims to draw on international thinking across the EUI in order to engage new discussions about the planetary in truly interdisciplinary ways. Its aim is to foster multi-, trans- and inter-disciplinary conversations on the ‘planetary’ as an emerging point of analytical and methodological orientation. The coordinators' ambition is to open up an innovative and unprecedented institutional opportunity to develop the potential of the planetary through cross disciplinary discussion and debate. 

The cluster will plan monthly meetings, functioning initially as a reading group. It will also curate a multi-disciplinary bibliography on the planetary (its normative and descriptive, conceptual and empirical potential) and invite guest speakers, leading up to a major workshop in the second half of 2025.

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