Aviation accounts for about 2.5% of global energy-related CO2 emissions, having been growing faster than rail, road or shipping. National and regional policies to advance emission reductions from aviation are few, with the EU ETS leading the way. Meanwhile, CORSIA, ICAO’s global offsetting scheme for aviation, will enter its mandatory phase in 2027, after a pilot phase marked by undersupply of credits and uncertainties at the level of single countries. So far, what has been delivered? Which solutions could be applied to bring the sector back on track towards its decarbonizaion goals, also by encouraging sustainable aviation fuels at larger scale? As the EU may consider taxing kerosene under the Energy Taxation Directive, and including departing flights in the EU ETS, several policy questions arise, both at the EU, international and multilateral level.
Chair: Beatriz Yordi, Director, Carbon Markets and Clean Mobility (CLIMA.B), DG CLIMA, European Commission
More information and the full programme of the EUI Climate Week 2025 can be found here.