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2025-05-07 16:30
2025-05-07 18:00
Panel: Security, Decarbonization, Reindustrialization
Martti Ahtisaari Peace Hall, Palazzo Buontalenti
Session as part of the EUI Climate Week 2025.
The panel will discuss how Europe’s security can be strengthened through its decarbonization policy and the implementation of the Green Deal. Investing in energy efficiency as well as in renewables will improve Europe’s resilience, a process that started after the Russian invasion in Ukraine. Equally, making the EU’s economy more circular, will allow to minimize its dependence on raw materials. Diversifying its trading partners both for imports and exports will make the economy more resilient. However, some hard questions are still open: will the EU continue its tradition of multilateralism on trade issues or will more focus be given to bilateral trade agreements and policies related to improving the local content of production.
Chair: Jos Delbeke, EIB Climate Chair, Florence School of Transnational Governance, EUI
More information and the full programme of the EUI Climate Week 2025 can be found here.