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Special Event

One day one day

Documentary screening

Add to calendar 2025-04-02 21:00 2025-04-02 23:20 Europe/Rome One day one day Cinema Spazio Alfieri Via dell’Ulivo, 8, 50122 Firenze FI YYYY-MM-DD


02 April 2025

21:00 - 23:20 CEST


Cinema Spazio Alfieri

Via dell’Ulivo, 8, 50122 Firenze FI

Join us for the screening of the documentary 'One Day One Day' and a roundtable discussion on the conditions of agricultural workers in Italy.

The living and working conditions of agricultural workers in Italy are well-known, yet they are often seen as an unchangeable reality. One Day One Day invites us to take a closer look at this reality, giving a voice to those who cultivate and harvest our "Made in Italy" food every day, amidst exploitation, precariousness, and resistance.

Following the screening, there will be a roundtable discussion organised by researchers from the PRIME (Protecting Irregular Migrants in Europe) project.

The discussion aims to reignite the debate on the conditions of agricultural workers, both regular and irregular. Featured speakers will include the documentary’s producer, an agricultural worker, a co-founder of Scuola Fatoma (Borgo Mezzanone), and scholars researching the topic. Together, they will explore the challenges and potential strategies for improving the living and working conditions in this crucial sector.

We invite you to join us for this moment of reflection and dialogue.

Please note that the roundtable discussion will be primarily in Italian (although all participants speak English), while the documentary is mainly in English with Italian subtitles.

(IT) Proiezione del documentario One Day One Day e tavola rotonda sulle condizioni dei lavoratori agricoli in Italia


Le condizioni di vita e di lavoro dei braccianti agricoli in Italia sono ben note, ma spesso vengono accettate come una realtà immutabile. One Day One Day ci invita a guardare da vicino questa realtà, dando voce a chi ogni giorno coltiva e raccoglie il nostro cibo "Made in Italy" tra sfruttamento, precarietà e resistenza.

Dopo la proiezione, seguirà una tavola rotonda promossa dalle ricercatrici del progetto PRIME (Protecting Irregular Migrants in Europe), con l’obiettivo di rilanciare il dibattito sulle condizioni dei lavoratori agricoli, siano essi regolari o irregolari. Al confronto parteciperanno il produttore del documentario, un lavoratore agricolo, un socio fondatore di Scuola Fatoma (Borgo Mezzanone) e studiose impegnate in ricerche sul tema. Insieme, approfondiranno le sfide e le possibili strategie per migliorare le condizioni di vita e di lavoro in questo settore essenziale.


This event is part of the PRIME project, and it is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


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