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Florence School of Transnational Governance

"African Renaissance" wins gold at international film festival in Hamburg

The jury of The WorldMediaFestivals 2022 selected the short film about the first cohort of Young African Leaders in Florence for a gold award.

22 June 2022 | Award

Gold award Africna Renaissance WorldMediaFestivals_2

“African Renaissance” was awarded an intermedia-globe-Gold award in the category Documentaries: Company Philosophy and Portrait. The intermedia WorldMediaFestivals | Television & Corporate Media Awards honour and celebrate excellence in television, corporate film, online and print productions on an international scale. These awards are acknowledged internationally as symbols of the highest production standards and are one of the world's highest honours in visual competition.

“African Renaissance” tells the story of the first cohort of African fellows at the EUI's School of Transnational Governance. Through the eyes of Edem, Idah, Phillip and Tumaini, four of the 17 fellows, the viewer learns how a new generation of policy leaders is eager to transform the African continent.

The film was directed by Roeland Scholtalbers and Andrii Pichyienko of the communications team at the EUI School of Transnational Governance. It was produced fully in-house without a dedicated budget. Filming took place in Autumn 2021, during the pilot phase of the Young African Leaders Programme funded by the European Commission’s Directorate-General International Partnerships. The film premiered in March 2022 at Cinema La Compagnia in Florence.

For the film directors, the short film represented a creative way to celebrate the evolving partnership between Africa and Europe and to narrate the experience of the first group of African fellows in a personal way.

Watch “African Renaissance”

Last update: 24 June 2024

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