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European University Institute - Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies

Call for papers - Firms, labour markets, and development

On 7 - 8 July, the Global Governance Programme will be hosting a workshop promoting the dissemination of research in development economics and its various subfields. | Deadline for submissions: 31 March 2022

16 February 2022 | Event

Call for papers

This workshop will be a great opportunity for those interested in the field of development economics to generate and exchange new research.

Participants may also apply to the open call for papers of this workshop which may cover the following:

• Structural transformation

• Servicification and digitalisation

• Productivity and growth

• Access to foreign markets

• Firms in hostile environments

• Technology adoption, learning, and diffusion

• Entrepreneurship

• Labor Market Frictions

• Refugees and internally displaced persons


To learn more about the workshop and submission of papers, please click here.

Last update: 24 June 2024

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