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Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies - European University Institute

EU getting rid of Russian energy addiction?

The Florence School of Regulation and Bruegel held two online events on Europe’s dependence on Russian natural gas imports and the possibility to do without as a response to the war in Ukraine.

13 April 2022 | Event


In the first debate (24 March) moderated by Ilaria Conti and Jean-Michel Glachant, the experts Georg Zachmann, Jean Pisani-Ferry, Alex Stubb and Andris Piebalgs looked at the Russian gas phase-out as a radical choice for which unprecedented tools and procedures have to be thought, either at individual Member States or European Union level.

RECORDING – 1st episode

In the second debate (12 April) moderated by George Zachmann and Ilaria Conti, Klaus-Dieter Borchardt, Walter Boltz and Carole Le Henaff discussed the feasibility of implementing such a phase-out.

RECORDING – 2nd episode

The two debates confirmed a widespread support for a phase-out of Russian energy imports into the EU, including in the form of natural gas. However, how this will occur is still to be defined and agreed upon. Many questions remain open. Will markets and private players master the crisis or make it rough chaos? Are the Member States able to stabilise the situation or likely to break the internal market for gas and European solidarity? Can the European Commission design rules that can work and designate efficient and effective decision-makers? Only time will tell us.

Learn more:

Ukraine and Moldova in the Continental European Electricity Grid

Consumer protection mechanisms during the current and future periods of high and volatile energy prices

Rethinking the EU’s electricity market- what are the options?

A regulatory framework for gas storage

Last update: 13 April 2022

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