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Academy of European Law

New AEL publication: 'Human Rights in Transition'

The Academy of European Law presents 'Human Rights in Transition', a new publication in the Collected Courses series edited by Nehal Bhuta, with contributions by leading scholars in international law and international human rights.

15 May 2024 | Publication

AEL Single Book Cover - Bhuta

The latest publication in the Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law series is an edited volume bringing together leading scholars in international law and international human rights to reflect upon the present, the recent and distant past, and the future of human rights.

The contributors are Nehal Bhuta, Sarah Cleveland, Hilary Charlesworth, Christina Eckes, Florian F. Hoffmann, and Stephen Humphreys. The book explores new ways to consider human rights, looking at social and economic rights, institutional settings such as the EU and the UN treaty bodies, and agendas such as feminism and climate change. Starting with a rigorous analysis of the past and present of each topic, the book presents an argument about how to think about the future. 

The book is available in Cadmus.

Cadmus also includes all the previous volumes in the Collected Courses series.

Last update: 15 May 2024

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