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Historical Archives of the European Union

New series open from the European Investment Bank

A recent transfer from the EIB sheds light on the Bank’s early years of activity from 1956 to 1967.

02 February 2022


The Historical Archives of the European Union has opened a new collection within the European Investment Bank (EIB) holdings. The collection is available online.

Comprised of 151 items, the series, compiled by the EIB’s Documentation Service, brings together a variety of documents including academic publications, reports, conference papers, speeches and lectures, and press articles. 

These materials shed light on the Bank’s contribution to European integration, its mission and operation, and its actions and priorities during its first decade of existence. The papers within inform on the Bank’s earliest financed projects, its actions within the framework of regional policy, and the EIB’s expanding reach over time, particularly towards Greece and the associated African and Malagasy States (AAMA).

Many of the items in the collection were written or delivered by high-level actors in the EIB’s governing bodies, including the Presidency and Vice-Presidency, the Board of Governors, the Management  Committee, the Board of Directors, and staff members of the Research and Legal Departments. The collection contains, for example, articles and speeches by Pietro Campilli and Paride Formentini, the first and second Presidents of the EIB, respectively.

Readers may consult these files and others in the HAEU’s online database.

Last update: 02 February 2022

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