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Department of Economics

The Core: EUI Economics Department launches its first Summer School

On 21-27 August 2024, the EUI Department of Economics hosted the first edition of its summer school: ‘The Core’, funded by the EUI Widening Europe Programme.

03 September 2024 | Event


Over 20 participants gathered at the EUI’s Badia Fiesolana for the first edition of the summer school: 'The Core'. The one-week programme aimed at preparing students for the rigorous training as part of the PhD programmes in Economics.

"The idea originated from a funding opportunity of the EUI Widening Europe Programme," explained EUI Professor Russell Cooper. While recruiting students from targeted Widening countries for the EUI Economics Department's PhD programme, Professor Cooper noticed that many students "were not fully prepared to enter a PhD. I thought a summer programme could help them develop the necessary skills, build confidence, and familiarise themselves with our institution."

The course was tailored to provide the students with an in-depth understanding on the fundamental background material that is covered in most programmes, easing the transition into the core of PhD training in Economics. "There is an essential core to economics, and you can’t do economics if you don’t know the core. It seemed right as a place to start," added Professor Cooper.

Over the five days, the participants delved into four courses of mathematical economics, microeconomics, macroeconomics, and statistics and econometrics, taught by the Department’s very own PhD researchers.

"It’s been very nice to get in touch with the new students entering their first year at the EUI. They intervene a lot during the classes and seem very curious, and it’s always nice to interact with curious people," shared Guido Bongioanni, an EUI researcher teaching at the summer school. "It’s also great to see that people with different backgrounds get together and put themselves into the game."

"It was nice as a teacher to try to fill those gaps that we felt when we first arrived at the EUI. It was a great experience, I really enjoyed teaching," added Michele Castegini, one of the PhD researchers teaching at the summer school.

For EUI researcher and teacher Lorenzo Alderighi, the course was a perfect starting point for future scholars: "I think that the summer school is a great way to have a first glance at what a PhD at the EUI looks like. It’s also a nice opportunity to get to know each other before this long journey of the first year of the PhD programme."

The participants also emphasised the benefits of having a first introduction to the Economics Department and to the academic community at the EUI. "It's a good review of some of the subjects that we're going to be seeing this semester," noted Ionannis Spanos. "I like the concept of the summer school. It’s good to have a smooth transition into the PhD programme," added Hannah-Marie Hildenbrand.

"I think that the combination of more subjects can empower us to start the courses in September with a good balance between theory and practical exercises, so I am really happy about this opportunity." shared participant Edoardo Belardi. "It’s also really nice to have colleagues from all parts of Europe and the world to interact with and to share these days in Florence."

In reacting to his experience at the EUI, participant Georgi Edrev commented: "I’m really grateful for the opportunity given by the EUI Widening Europe Programme, the summer course was very well organised and the lecturers were awesome! It's a great way to make connections."

This summer course was funded by the EUI Widening Europe Programme. Backed by contributions from the European Union and EUI Contracting States, the programme is designed to strengthen internationalisation, competitiveness, and quality in research in targeted Widening countries, and thus foster more cohesive European Higher Education and Research Areas.

Last update: 03 September 2024

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