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European University Institute

The EUI strengthens its partnership with IE University

The European University Institute (EUI) and IE University (IEU) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to foster academic collaboration in the fields of global and public affairs, transnational governance, and technology.

04 December 2023 | Partnership

EUI_IE University partnership

In a significant move towards deepening their academic cooperation, the EUI and IE University have signed a new Memorandum of Understanding to implement joint activities in teaching, research, and programme development. Over the next five years, the MoU aims at further strengthening the institutions' academic collaboration, including in the framework of the CIVICA alliance.

Under the newly signed agreement, the main activities include exchange programmes and teaching experiences for researchers at the doctoral and post-doctoral levels, as well as the promotion of sabbaticals, visiting professorships, and staff visits.

Among the key initiatives of the Memorandum is also the establishment of an international mobility scheme for master's students, within the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme. Furthermore, the partnership will allow for the development of immersion programmes, events, high-level policy dialogues, and joint executive education trainings and research projects.

Based in Spain, IE University is an internationally renowned private university with entrepreneurial spirit and a focus on humanities. Hosting a community representing over 130 nationalities annually, IE University fosters a global outlook, with more than 75% of its students coming from outside of Spain.

Any further information on this partnership may be obtained from the EUI External Relations Office.

Last update: 04 December 2023

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