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Portrait picture of Ernst Ulrich Petersmann

Ernst Ulrich Petersmann

Professor Emeritus

Department of Law

Contact info

[email protected]

[+39] 055 4686 576


Villa Salviati- Castle, SACA208

Working languages

German, English, French

Ernst Ulrich Petersmann

Professor Emeritus

Department of Law


Prof. Ernst Ulrich Petersmann taught constitutional law at the Universities of Hamburg and Heidelberg and was a Professor of international law and European law at the Universities of St. Gallen, Fribourg, Geneva, the Geneva Graduate Institute of International Relations and the European University Institute at Florence As a visiting professor, Dr. Petersmann taught international economic law at the Hague Academy of International Law, the EUI Academy of European Law, the Xiamen Academy of International Law, and at numerous Universities in Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, the USA, Latin-America, South-Africa, China, India and Singapore. He published more than 30 books and 350 contributions to books and journals focusing on international law, European law and comparative constitutional law. Prof. Petersmann worked as legal counsel for the German government representing Germany in European and UN institutions (1978-1980), as well as legal counsel in GATT and legal consultant for the WTO (1981-2021). He served as secretary, member or chairman on GATT and WTO dispute settlement panels and as chairman of the International Trade Law Committee of the International Law Association (1999-2014).

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