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Portrait picture of Marise Cremona

Marise Cremona

Professor Emerita

Department of Law

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[+39] 055 4686 558


Villa Salviati- Castle, SACA208

Working languages

English, Italian

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Marise Cremona

Professor Emerita

Department of Law


Professor Cremona was a Professor in the Law Department, a co-Director of the Academy of European Law and general editor of The Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law from January 2006 until June 2017. She was Head of the Law Department (2009 – 2012) and President ad interim of the EUI (2012 – 2013). Formerly Professor of European Commercial Law, Centre for Commercial Law Studies at Queen Mary University of London. She currently teaches courses on Politics and Governance in Europe and EU External Relations in the Department of Political Science at the University Luiss Guido Carli in Rome. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the Common Market Law Review. Her research interests are in the external relations law of the European Union, in particular the constitutional basis for EU external relations law and the legal and institutional dimensions of EU foreign policy.

A few recent publications:
- EU Law Beyond EU Borders: The Extraterritorial Reach of EU Law, edited by Marise Cremona and Joanne Scott, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, Oxford University Press 2019.
- Structural Principles in EU External Relations Law, edited by Marise Cremona, Hart Publishing 2018.
- ‘Defining the Scope of the Common Commercial Policy’ in Michael Hahn and Guillaume Van der Loo (eds) Law and Practice of the Common Commercial Policy: The First 10 years after the Treaty of Lisbon, Brill 2020.
- ‘Who Can Make Treaties? The European Union’, in Duncan Hollis (ed) The Oxford Guide to Treaties, Oxford University Press, 2nd ed. 2020.
- ‘The Withdrawal Agreement and the EU’s International Agreements’, (2020) 45(2) European Law Review, 237-250.

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