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Portrait picture of Ann Thomson

Ann Thomson

Professor Emerita

Department of History

Contact info

[email protected]

[+39] 055 4686 507


Villa Salviati- Castle, SACA208

Working languages

English, French, German, Italian

Ann Thomson

Professor Emerita

Department of History


Ann Thomson is emerita Professor, having been Professor of Intellectual History from 2013 to 2020, and is one of the coordinators of the Interdisciplinary Research Cluster ‘Democracy in the 21st Century’. She came from Université Paris 8, where she had taught since 1998. She works on the intellectual history of the long Eighteenth Century, and studies questions at the intersection of religion, medicine and politics, as well as the circulation of ideas, book history and translation, and European writings on the Muslim world (the subject of the book she is currently writing). She has published widely on all these subjects, most notably several monographs, including L’âme des lumières. Le débat sur l’être humain entre religion et science Angleterre-France (1690-1760) (Champ Vallon, 2013) and Bodies of Thought: Science, Religion, and the Soul in the Early Enlightenment (Oxford University Press, 2008), and collective volumes, including Cultural Transfers: France and Britain in the long eighteenth century, edited with Simon Burrows and Edmond Dziembowski, (Voltaire Foundation, Oxford, 2010). She has also published critical editions, most recently of Book 11 of Raynal’s Histoire des Deux-Indes (2020). She is currently developing an online crowd-sourced database of eighteenth-century translators.

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