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Portrait picture of J. Scott Marcus

J. Scott Marcus

Part-time Assistant Professor

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies

Contact info

[email protected]

Working languages

English, German

J. Scott Marcus

Part-time Assistant Professor

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies


J. Scott Marcus is a Part-time Assistant Professor and member of the Scientific Committee of the Centre for a Digital Society at the Robert Schuman Centre. He is an economist, engineer, and public policy analyst.
Marcus also serves as an Associate Senior Research Fellow of the Centre for European Policy Studies and a Senior Fellow of Bruegel. In addition, he works as an independent consultant dealing with policy and regulatory policy regarding electronic communications. He has served as a director of WIK (a research institute in regulatory economics based in Germany), as Senior Advisor for Internet Technology at the US Federal Communications Commission, and as Chief Technology Officer at the interworking arm of GTE (now Verizon Communications).
Marcus is the author of numerous economics, public policy and engineering papers, and a book on data network design. He has published and spoken on a wide range of aspects of European digital policy. He holds a B.A. in Political Science (Public Administration) from the City College of New York, and an M.S. from the School of Engineering, Columbia University.

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