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Portrait picture of Vittoria Becci

Vittoria Becci

Civica Fellow

Department of Law

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Villa Salviati- Manica, SAMN273

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Vittoria Becci

Civica Fellow

Department of Law


Vittoria is a CIVICA postdoctoral fellow at EUI, Faculty of Law where she will develop a project that builds on the counterintuitive findings of her PhD thesis, which explores the absence of a discourse on space, place, and cities when it comes to territory, property, and planning. At EUI she will mainly work with Loic Azoulai exploring the role of property law in building European borders. She got her PhD at Sciences Po Ecole de Droit in Paris supervised by Helena Alviar with a thesis titled “Aesthetics and Dynamics in Law and Space; unpacking spatial complexities through legal norms and policies”.

Her dissertation flips the traditional perspective that law unilaterally creates space based on theories of property, property law and urban planning law, as well as legal culture and legal consciousness. Before starting her PhD, she was a journalist for few magazines in Italy focusing on cities and the territory. She obtained a master diploma in political philosophy at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona where she wrote on law and social justice through spatial and architectural theories. She got her laurea magistrale in law at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan where she wrote her final dissertation in legal philosophy with a thesis in law and literature about the duel.

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