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Alain Lempereur

Full-time Professor

Florence School of Transnational Governance

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Working languages

French, English, Dutch

Alain Lempereur

Full-time Professor

Florence School of Transnational Governance


Alain LEMPEREUR is the EUI Chair in Leadership and Negotiation at the Florence School of Transnational Governance (STG). His research and executive training foster responsible leadership, negotiation, and mediation.

His applied research appears in multiple languages, and includes a dozen books, such as The First Move. A Negotiator’s Companion; and Mediation: Negotiation by Other Moves.

At EUI, he trains government members, European officials, diplomats, and humanitarians. For the UN Global Executive Leadership Initiative, he runs LEARN, the “Leaders’ Engagement As Responsible Negotiators” hybrid program, which he designed for senior humanitarian leaders and delivers worldwide with his STG team in regional hubs.

Since 1993, he has been associated to the Program on Negotiation (PON) at Harvard Law School, where he is an affiliate faculty and executive committee member and where he designs and teaches executive seminars, such as the “Harvard Mediation Intensive;” “Negotiation Essentials Online;” “Beyond the Back Table;” and “PON Global.” He was an affiliated expert of the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative and is currently on leave from Brandeis as the Alan B. Slifka Tenured Chair Professor in Conflict Resolution and former director of the Coexistence Program (2011-2021). He volunteers as a board member for the PON-supported Negotiation Strategies Institute (2013-present) for Israeli and Palestinian leaders. He also worked for Forward Thinking in Gaza and the West Bank, and for women leaders through the Karama Network and the EVE leadership program.

Since 1995 in over 75 countries, he has accompanied two hundred organizations, from the public sector – international organizations (EU, ICRC, MSF, OCHA, OECD, UNDP, UNEP, UNITAR, WHO, WWF, etc.), and 26 national governments –, as well as the private sector – global consulting firms (BCG, McKinsey, etc.) or corporations (Airbus, BNY Mellon, EDF, Forvia, LVMH, Sanofi-Pasteur, Vivendi, etc.). With Michele Pekar (Oxford PON), he launched capacity-building organizations, like Co-Dev.

He conceived and developed training programs for the European Commission (2004-2011), Ena (1997-2011), the College of Europe (2016-2020), and Sciences Po Paris (2016-2023). He founded a leading European negotiation institute, “Irene” (1995-2011) and inaugurated the Essec Negotiation and Mediation Professorial Chair.

Partnering with the Wilson International Center for Scholars (Washington, DC), he initiated the “Negotiators of the World” project (2002-2011) to sustain leaders’ post-conflict reconciliation in Burundi and the DR Congo. He also facilitated stakeholders’ meetings for the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding and supported the UN Mediators' Network.

He was a visiting professor at Harvard University for many years, and taught at the Afghan Institute of Diplomacy, the African Development University, the Algerian Institute of Diplomacy and International Affairs, the Cameroon Institute of International Relations, the College of Europe, the Cyprus International Institute for Management, the Ecole Polytechnique, the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, the Lebanese University, Paris Tech, the Paris School of International Affairs - Sciences Po, the UN University for Peace-Costa Rica, and the Universities of Brussels, Corsica, Geneva, Mannheim, Mons, Paris II and V.

Professor Lempereur graduated from Brussels University (M Law ’88, M Phil ’89) and Harvard University (Fulbright Fellow & Frank Boas ’91, LL.M. waived ’93, SJD ’95, PON ’96 and ’97)

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  • Harvard University
  • S.J.D.Universite Libre de Bruxelles
  • M.Phil.Universite Libre de Bruxelles, LL.M.

  • Affiliated Expert and Faculty, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative (2021)
  • Facilitator & Activity Lead, Global Executive Leadership Initiative, HHI (2021)
  • External Expert, European University Institute (2020)
  • Instructor, PON Global Online (2020)
  • Chevalier des Tastevins (2019)
  • Academic Editor, PON Negotiation Briefings (2018 - 2021)
  • Chair, Humanitarian Mediation Working Group, Center of Compentence on Humanitarian Negotiation (2016) (2016)
  • Board of Directors, PON-supported Negotiation Strategies Institute (2015)
  • Chair, Scientific Committee, Humanitarian Negotiation Exchange (HNx), ICRC and Harvard JFK School of Government (2015)
  • Co-Chair, Leadership and Negotiation Roundtable, PON at Harvard Law School (2014)
  • Instructor, PON Global at Harvard Law School (2014)
  • Member, Advisory Board, A Child’s Guide to War. (2014)
  • Golden Teaching Award, Advanced Leadership Program, Essec Executive Education (2011)
  • Member of the Economics and Peace Faculty Network (2011)
  • Member of the Executive Committee, Program on Negotiation (PON) at Harvard Law School (2011)
  • Professor of the Week, Financial Times (2011)
  • Member of the United Nations Mediation Roster (2010)
  • Who'Who, French Edition (2009) and World's Edition (2010)
  • Negotiation and Mediation Chair Professor at ESSEC (2009 - 2011)
  • Award of French "Palmes académiques" at Institut de France (2006)
  • Member, Report Advisory Board, Growing Inclusive Markets, UNDP. (2006)
  • Elected member at Essec Board of Trustees, Faculty Senate and Workers' Council (2003 - 2011)
  • Member of Culture, Conflict, & Negotiation Advisory Board, Negotiation Research Network (2002)
  • Member of the International Association for Conflict Management (1997)
  • 21st Century Trust Fellow (1996)
  • Founder, Director, and Head of Steering Committee of IRENE (1995 - 2011)
  • Member of the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School (1993)
  • BAEF Fellowship (1991 - 1992)
  • Fulbright Fellow, Frank Boas Scholarship for Harvard University, Commission for Education Exchange between the USA & Belgium (1991)
  • FNRS Fellow (1988 - 1992)

  • Lempereur, Alain & Elise Willer. "The Mediator as the eye of the storm: Active perception of emotions through the nonverbal." American Journal of Mediation 14. (2021). (forthcoming)
  • Lempereur, Alain, Colson, A; Perez Nuckel, R. El Primer Paso: Método de Négociación. Trans. Natalia Hermida Cepeda. 2021. (forthcoming)
  • Lempereur, Alain. "La joie des espaces – temps." Questions de Management 33 (2021). (forthcoming)
  • Lempereur, Alain. "La médiation ou la joie de composer : Au fondement de la puissance d’agir." Voyage spirituel au cœur de la médiation. Ed. B. Blohorn-Brenneur. Paris:, 2021 (forthcoming)
  • Lempereur, Alain. "La puissance de joie en médiation, ou la composition des rapports." Lettre des Médiations 10 (2021): 69-76. (forthcoming)
  • Lempereur, Alain, Salzer, J., Colson, A., Pekar M. & Kogan. Mediation. Negotiation by Other Moves. Chichester: Wiley, 2021.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Non au coronacentrisme. Oui au déconfinement intérieur." Rites et COVID-19. Ed. P. Lardellier. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2021
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Négociation responsable." La Responsabilité. Ed. P. Lardellier. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2021
  • Lempereur, Alain. Puissance de la médiation: Contre la guerre civile. 1st ed. Paris: Descartes & Cie, 2021.
  • Lempereur, Alain, A. Colson, O. Yüksel. İlk Hamle: Müzakerecinin Kilavuzu. Ankara: Remzi Kitabevi, 2020.
  • Lempereur, Alain, Colson, Aurelien and Noormal, Naveed. گام نخست. (The First Move. A Negotiator's Companion). (Dari version) ed. Kabul: Saeed Publishers, 2020.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "La crise attise les passions tristes et des joies inouïes." Questions de Management 28 (2020).
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Sauf votre respect. Négociation du négociable." Le Respect. Ed. P. Lardellier, Y. Enrègle et R. Delaye. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2020
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Talent de mécanicien et mécanique du talent au Rwanda: Un double rattrapage de développement, individuel et social, en post-conflit." Africa Positive Impact. 1st ed. Ed. S. Frymousse. Paris: Eyrolles, 2020. 72-80.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Zoom sur la pancrise, les négociations et son e-proximité." Questions de Management 29 (2020).
  • Grace, Rob; Lempereur, Alain. "Humanitarian Negotiation Power: Bridging the Theory-Practice Gap." International Association for Conflict Management, Dublin. IACM, July 2019.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Bias reporting threatens free speech." Justice 5 Mar 2019
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Negotiating Peace from Inside Out: Spinoza as a Responsible Trump." Negotiation Journal 35. 1 (2019).
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Négociation responsable: la grande joie de persévérer dans son être avec autrui.." Question de Management 26 (2019): 59-68.
  • Lempereur A., Ligozat L., Guderian M., Grace R. & C. Bruderlein. "Developing the Capacity of Humanitarian Professionals to Negotiate on the Frontline." Report of the Second Annual Meeting of Frontline Humanitarian Negotiators. Geneva Center of Competence on Humanitarian Negotiation (CCHN): 2018.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Le négociateur entend des voix… à tort ou à raison." Le Monde Economique 2018.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Matrice de négociation : Questionnement pour une relation et une transaction responsables." La Négociations, Techniques, valeurs et acteurs. 1st ed. Ed. Pascal Lardellier, Yves Enrègle et Richard Delaye. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2018. 39-64.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Questioning, Reason and Revolutions." Justice Mar 2018
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Responsible Negotiators Care Beyond the Deal Closing." Negotiation Briefings 21. 9 (2018): 8.
  • Christelle Eyraud, Julie Habran & Lempereur, Alain. Host Country Agreements Negotiations. Paris MSF (Médecins Sans Frontières – Doctors without Borders), Sustainable Humanitarian Intervention through Exemption and Legal Derogation: 2017.
  • E. Babbitt, A. Bell, A. Lempereur, B. Mandell & D. Wolf. Negotiating Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa: A System Analysis after the Arab Spring, the Iran Nuclear Deal, and the Rise of ISIS. Cambridge, MA Harvard Kennedy School Negotiation Project: 2017.
  • Lempereur, Alain & M. Pekar. "Negotiating Meetings Responsibly: It Takes More Than a Paper Agenda." Kosho-gaku no Susume (Encouraging the Study of Negotiation). Ed. M. Ando. Tokyo, Japan: NPO, 2017. 285-309.
  • Lempereur, Alain & Pekar, M. "The Distributive Knot: Negotiators’ Responsibility to Untie Complex Demands." Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing 32. 4 (2017): 535-540.
  • Lempereur, Alain, & Susskind, Lawrence. "Chevaliers de la table ronde : comment les responsables construisent le consensus par la concertation." Réinventer le Leadership. First ed. Ed. S. Frymousse. Paris: Eyrolles, 2017. 52-69.
  • Lempereur, Alain, A. Colson & M. Pekar. ΔΙΑΠΡΑΓΜΑΤΕΥΣΕΙΣ. Σύγχρονες απόψεις και πρακτική. (Negotiation).. 1st ed. Athens: Rosili Empiriki Ekdotiki M.EPE, 2017.
  • Lempereur, Alain,. "Comment rendre les réunions plus responsables." Ed. J.E. Grésy, J. Ohana & R. Perez-Nückel. Paris: De Boeck, 2017. 62-63.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Négociation: terroir, terrain et territoire pour se diriger." Entreprises & Carrières 18 Dec 2017.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Un engagement qui fait sens." Questions de Management 5. 15 (2017).
  • Lempereur, Alain. Responsible Negotiation. Brandeis. <>.
  • Lecourt, V. & Lempereur, Alain. "Science managériale sans confiance n'est que ruine de l'âme. Une invitation au questionnement éthique." La Confiance. Relations, organisations, capital humain. 1st ed. Ed. Richard Delaye & Pascal Lardellier. Paris: EMS, 2016. 91-108.
  • Lempereur, Alain & R. Herrington. "Responsibility to Protect Trumps Business as Usual: How Corporate Leaders Build Heroism to Face Atrocities." The Role of Business in the Responsibility to Protect. Ed. J. Forrer & C. Seyle. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016. 69-97.
  • Lempereur, Alain & Willer, Elise. "The Mediator as the eye of the storm: Active perception of emotions through the nonverbal." International Association for Conflict Management, New York. June 2016.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "A la rencontre de la négociation commerciale." Négociation commerciale. 2nd ed. Ed. Erick Leroux & Emmanuel Chouraqi. Paris: Vuibert, 2016
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Beyond Negocentrism: Questioning Selves, Relationships and Contexts." Negotiation Journal 32. 4 (2016): 335-343.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Girls’ Power of Transformation for a Safer World." Peace on Draco. Ed. Karina Sherin. Oakbrook Terrace: Green Ivy Publishing, 2016
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Humanitarian Negotiation to Protect: John Rabe and the Nanking International Safety Zone (1937-1938)." Group Decision and Negotiation 25 (2016): 663-691.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "La Médiation responsable pour que votre équipe soit unie." Gestion 98-101.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Négocier en Confiance." Gestion 2000 33. 1 (2016): 105-129.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Remettre la confiance au cœur de la négociation." La Confiance. Relations, organisations, capital humain. 1st ed. Ed. R. Delaye & P. Lardellier. Paris: Ellipse, 2016. 29-50.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Responding to Negotiation Demand Across Sectors: The Power of a Community of Theory and Practice." International Studies Association. Atlanta. March 2016.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "The Multi-Level Challenge of Humanitarian Negotiation." International Humanitarian Studies Association. Addis Ababa. March 2016.
  • Lempereur, Alain & R. Mnookin. "Personnes, problèmes et processus sous tension en négociation et médiation. Gérer la communication, la résolution et la délégation." Interdisciplinary Handbook of Conflict Resolution/Manuel interdisciplinaire des modes amiables de résolution des conflits. Ed. P. Cecchi-Diméglio & B. Brenneur. Paris: Larcier, 2015. 419-449.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "For Responsible Negotiation Meetings. Concocting a Vaccine against Meetingitis." Decision Making and Negotiation e-Journal 6. 12 (2015): <>.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Humanitarian Negotiation Framework." Humanitarian Negotiation Exchanges, ICRC. IPI, New York. Nov 2015.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Keynote: Making Possible the Impossible: The Humanitarian Negotiator in Mission.." Negociation, OSI & Propedia. Observatoire Social International. Paris. Dec 2015.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Le Noeud gordien en négociation: dénouer des demandes complexes et intenses." Question(s) de Management 3. 11 (2015): 91-98.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Le questionnement, mouvement perpétuel du manager responsable." Manageor. 3rd ed. Ed. Barabel, M. & Meier, O.. Paris: Dunod, 2015. 326-328.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Médiation responsable." Interdisciplinary Handbook of Conflict Resolution/Manuel interdisciplinaire des modes amiables de résolution des conflits. Ed. P. Cecchi-Diméglio & B. Brenneur. Paris: Larcier, 2015. 675-703.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Préface: Surmonter le désamour de la négociation, y compris en management des achats." Management des achats. Négociation et pratique. 1st ed. Ed. Erick Leroux and Emmanuel Chouraqi. Paris: Vuibert, 2015. 5-8.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Visages de la négociation responsable: du face-à-face à Facebook." Questions de Management 3. 11 (2015).
  • Pekar, Michele, Lempereur, A. & P. Cecchi-Diméglio. "La valse à trois temps de toute session de négociation ou de médiation : Commencer, continuer et conclure." Interdisciplinary Handbook of Conflict Resolution/Manuel interdisciplinaire des modes amiables de résolution des conflits. Ed. P. Cecchi-Diméglio & B. Brenneur. Paris: Larcier, 2015. 387-399.
  • Lempereur, Alain & Colson, A.. ШАГ НАВСТРЕЧУ: спутник переговорщика. 1st ed. Moscow: КАН Н+, 2014.
  • Lempereur, Alain & S. Mahdavi. Beyond Déjà Vu: A Review of Iranian Nuclear Teams (2002-2013). Proc. of International Association for Conflict Management. The Hague: 2014.
  • Lempereur, Alain & V. Lecourt, P. Lardellier. Science managériale sans confiance n'est que ruine de l'entreprise. Une invitation au questionnement éthique. Proc. of La Confiance. Paris: Ellipse, 2014.
  • Lempereur, Alain, Colson, A., Okumura, T. The First Move. A Negotiator's Companion. 1st Japanese ed. Tokyo: Hakuto Shobo, 2014.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Keynote: It Takes More Than Two to Tango for Responsible Negotiation." Group Decision and Negotiation, Toulouse. Jun 2014.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Keynote: Trust at the heart of negotiation." La Confiance, Paris. Propedia, Dec 2014.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "When Negative Emotions Take Over Negotiations: A Responsible Framework for Analysis and Action." Human Capital Review (2014)
  • Mnookin R & Lempereur, A.. "Pour une communication responsable en négociation: séquencer prises d’écoute et de parole." Communication & Management 11. 2 (2014): 28-40.
  • Benharda, I., Brett, J., Lempereur, A. "Gender and Role in Conflict Management: Women and Men Managers as Third Parties." Negotiation and Conflict Management Research 6. #2 (2013): 79-93.
  • Lempereur, Alain & Mahdavi, Amir. "Electing the Diplomatic Sheikh." Iran Wire 13 Jun 2013
  • Lempereur, Alain [阿兰•佩卡尔•朗珀勒], Colson, A., Chao, T.W. 谈判的艺术. Peking: Peking University Press, 2012.
  • Lempereur, Alain, Colson, A., Wetter E. Förhandlingsbart: Metodbok i förhandlingsteknik. 1st ed. Malmö: Liber, 2012.
  • Lempereur, Alain, Penvern, Y. "Le management de la diversité des parties prenantes." Encyclopédie des Diversités. 1st ed. Ed. J.M. Peretti. Caen, France: Ems Management et Société, 2012. 369-374.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "A Rhetorical Foundation of International Negotiations: Callieres on Peace Politics." Culture, Negotiation and International Conflict eJournal 2. 2 (2012): <Social Science Research Network>.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Be a More Responsible Negotiator." Negotiation 14. 4 (2012): 8.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Faciliter une négociation responsable: Un engagement personnel et organisationnel." Tous DRH. Les Responsabilités Ressources Humaines des Cadres et Dirigeants. 4th ed. Ed. J.M. Peretti. Paris, France: Eyrolles, 2012
  • Lempereur, Alain. "For an Archeology of Negotiation." Culture, Negotiation and International Conflict eJournal 2. 1 (2012): <Social Science Research Network>.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "For an Archeology of Negotiation." Harvard PON Working Paper 1995161, August 2012.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Le Droit est Janus: dualité rhétorique entre coexistence et conflit." De la nouvelle rhétorique à la logique juridique. 1st ed. Ed. B. Frydman & M. Meyer. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2012. 99-129.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Responsible Negotiation: Exploring the Forest and the Tree." Journal of Global Responsibility 3. 2 (2012): 198-207.
  • Gelfand, M., Raver, J., Nishii, L., Leslie, L., Lun, J., alii, Lempereur, A. "Differences Between Tight and Loose Cultures: A 33-Nation Study." Science 332. 6033 (2011): 1100-1104.
  • Lempereur, Alain, Colson, A. "A Bridge to Lasting Peace: Post-Conflict Reconciliation and Mediation in Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo." Mediation in Political Conflicts. Ed. J. Faget. England: Hart, 2011. 153-169.
  • Lempereur, Alain, Salzer, J., Colson, A. Medierea. 1st ed. Bucharest: C.H. Beck, 2011.
  • Lempereur, Alain, ed. Chaim Perelman. Ethique et droit. 2nd ed. Brussels, Belgium: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles, 2011.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "A la recherche du fondement en négociation. La philosophie du questionnement." Entrer en négociation. Mélanges Christophe Dupont. Ed. A. Colson. Brussels, Belgium: Larcier, 2011. 101-124.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Faciliter une solution négociée aux conflits." Revue française de Gestion 37, 210 (2011): 51-66.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "First Things First for Negotiators and Organizations." Journal of Decision Making and Negotiations 2011. November (2011): <Social Science Research Network>.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Perelman ou la vie rhétorique du droit." Ethique et Droit. Ed. Perelman, Chaim. Brussels: Edition de l'Université de Bruxelles, 2011. 7-19.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Préface: Le droit est d'abord le droit des gens." Médiation et techniques de négociation intégrative. 1 ed. Ed. Coralie Smets-Gary & Martine Becker. Brussels: Larcier, 2011. 9-18.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Responsible Leadership," "Facilitation," "Mediation," "Negotiation," "Negomania." F T Lexicon. Financial Times ed. 2011.
  • Benharda, I., Brett, J., Lempereur, A. Gender and Role in Conflict Management: Female and Male Managers as Third Parties. Proc. of 23rd Annual Conference of the International Association for Conflict Management, , #1611863. Boston: Social Science Research Network, 2010.
  • Lempereur, Alain, Colson A., Pekar, M. The First Move. A Negotiator's Companion. Chichester, England: Wiley, 2010.
  • Lempereur, Alain, Colson, A. Méthode de négociation. Second ed. Paris: Dunod, 2010.
  • Lempereur, Alain, Salzer, J., Colson, A. Método de Mediacion. Mexico City, Mexico: Hachette, 2010.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "First Things First for Negotiators and Organizations." Human Capital Review October. (2010)
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Keynote: Towards Leaders' Reconciliation: Two Facilitation Initiatives in Burundi and the DR Congo." National Mediation Conference, Adelaide. Sep 2010.
  • Lempereur, Alain, Colson, A., Duzert, Y. Método de Negociaçao. 1st ed. Sao Paulo: Atlas, 2009.
  • Lempereur, Alain, Colson, A., Robiolle, F. مذاکره پیش اندیش روشی نوین. Teheran, Iran: Shirazeh, 2009.
  • Lempereur, Alain, Colson, A., Sikharulidze, T. A Negotiation Method. (in Georgian), Tbilissi, Georgia: GCI, 2009.
  • Lempereur, Alain, Sebenius, J., Duzert, Y. Manual de negociacoes complexas. Rio, Brazil: FGV, 2009.
  • Lempereur, Alain, ed. Le Leadership responsable. Paris: Gualino, 2009.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Corporations can learn from foundations." Philanthropie (2009).
  • Lempereur, Alain. "La réconciliation entre ennemis est possible: voir, communiquer et agir autrement." Introduction à la psychologie positive. Ed. J. Lecomte. Paris, France: Dunod, 2009. 271-285.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Le questionnement comme philosophie fondatrice de la négociation." Négociations 10. (2009): 69-80.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Leading Successful Negotiation on Behalf of Europe. An Analysis of the EC High-Ranking Officials' Practices." European Review 17. 3/4 (2009): 541-568.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Towards Leaders' Reconciliation in Post-Conflict: Six Success Factors for Effective Facilitation," Cergy: Essec Research Paper, 2009.
  • Susskind, L., Duzert, Y., Lempereur, A. Faciliter la concertation. Paris, France: Eyrolles, 2009.
  • Colson, A., Lempereur, A. "Un pont vers une paix durable. Réconciliation et médiation post-conflit au Burundi et en RD Congo." Négociations 1. (2008): 13-28.
  • Lempereur, Alain, Colson, A., ed. Négociations européennes. Paris: A2C, 2008.
  • Lempereur, Alain, Salzer, J., Colson, A. Méthode de médiation. 1st ed. Paris: Dunod, 2008.
  • Lempereur, Alain, Bensimon, S., ed. La Médiation. Modes d'emploi. Paris: A2C, 2007.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Négocier en amont pour bâtir le changement ensemble." L'Art de l'innovation. Ed. N. Mottis. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007. 83-87.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Pour une philosophie de la négociation." La Négociation post-moderne. Ed. C. Dupont. Paris, France: Publibook, 2006. 163-174.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Towards a Negotiating State in France." Comparative Studies in Public Conflict Resolution, Seoul, South Korea. KDI School, 2005.
  • Lempereur, Alain. New Trends in Negotiation Teaching. Proc. of Harvard PON - Essec Irene Conference. Paris, France: CDrom, 2005.
  • Adair, W., Brett, J., Lempereur, A., Lytle, A., Okumura, T., Shikhirev, P., Tinsley, C. "Culture and Negotiation Strategy." Negotiation Journal 20. 1 (2004): 87-111.
  • Lempereur, A., Sebenius, J., ed. Revue Française de Gestion. Special Issue on "Négociation," Paris: Lavoisier, 151, 2004.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Comment déchiffrer l'évolution des rapports de force en négociation." Revue française de Gestion 151. (2004): 123-138.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Innovation in Teaching Negotiation. Towards a Relevant Use of Multimedia Tools." International Negotiation 9. 1 (2004): 141-160.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Negocierea si medierea in Franta." Studia. Universitatis Babes-Bolyai 59. 1-2 (2004): 35-51.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Négociation: au-delà d'une vision déformante de l'autre et de soi." La Revue des Sciences de Gestion 208-209. (2004): 41-48.
  • Wolpe, H., McDonald, S., Nindorera, E., McClintock, E., al., Lempereur, A. "Rebuilding Peace and State Capacity in War-torn Burundi." The Round Table 93. 375 (2004): 457-67.
  • Beaufort, Viviane de; Lempereur, Alain. "Negotiating Mergers and Acquisitions in the European Union." International Business Negotiations. Ed. P. Ghauri & J.C. Usunier. Oxford, England: Pergamon, 2003
  • Felice, Fortuné de. Lempereur, Alain, ed. Négociation. Cergy, France: Essec, 2003.
  • Hotman, Jean. Lempereur, Alain, ed. L’Ambassadeur. Cergy, France: Essec, 2003.
  • Lempereur, Alain, Scodellaro, M. "Conflits d'intérêts économiques entre avocats et clients: la question des honoraires." Recueil Dalloz 21. 7118 (2003): 1380-1385.
  • Lempereur, Alain, ed. Personnel. Paris: Special issue on "Négociation dans les relations sociales", ANDCP, 438, 2003.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Identifying Some Obstacles from Intuition to a Successful Mediation Process," Cergy: Essec Research Paper, 2003.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Le médiateur comme modèle éthique." Médiations et Sociétés 3. (2003): 4-7.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Parallélisme de style entre professeur et dirigeant. Pour une nouvelle approche du leadership." Humanisme et Entreprise 260. (2003): 33-49.
  • Callières, François de. Lempereur, Alain, ed. De la manière de négocier avec les souverains. Geneva: Droz, 2002.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "A Rhetorical Foundation of International Negotiations. Callières on Peace Politics," Cergy: Essec Research Paper, 2002.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Updating Negotiation Teaching through the Use of Multimedia Tools." International Association for Conflict Management, Salt Lake City. Social Science Research Network, 2002.
  • Lempereur, Alain. Towards a Dialogue between Conflict Theories and Practices across Paradigms and Cultures. Proc. of 14th Annual Conference of the International Conference of Conflict Management. Paris: CDrom, Essec, 2001.
  • Lempereur, Alain. Modèles de médiateurs et médiateur-modèle. Cergy, France: Essec, 2000.
  • Lempereur, Alain, ed. Manuel de négociation dans l'administration publique (ENA). With CDrom, Paris: ESSEC, 1999.
  • Lempereur, Alain, in J.B. Gray ed.. "Arbitration," "Dispute Resolution," "Mediation in Criminal Law," "Perelman." The Philosophy of Law. An Encyclopedia. 1999.
  • Brett, J., Adair, W., Lempereur, A., Lytle, A., Okumura, T., Shikhirev, P. "Culture and Joint Gains in Negotiation." Negotiation Journal 14. 1 (1998): 61-86.
  • Lempereur, Alain, Carlo, L. de. "La Francilienne." 1998 <>.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "La technique de conciliation." Gazette du Palais 277/279. (1998).
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Negotiation and Mediation in France: The Challenge of Skill-Based Learning and Interdisciplinary Research in Legal Education." Harvard Negotiation Law Review 3 (1998): 151-174.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Legal Questioning and Problem Solving." Diss. S.J.D., Harvard Law School, May 1995.
  • Lempereur, Alain, ed. Argumentation. Special issue on "Legal Argument", Dordrecht: Reidel, 5 1992.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "May Law Be Founded on Questioning?." Diss. LL.M., Harvard Law School, May 1992.
  • Lempereur, Alain, ed. Argumentation. Colloque de Cerisy. Liège, Belgium: Mardaga, 1991.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Gulf War, or Battle?." Diplomatic Gazette (1991): 21-24.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Law: From Foundation to Argumentation." Communication & Cognition (1991): 97-110.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Paix entre les nations, à travers Raymond Aron." Libéralisme (1991): 59-76.
  • Lempereur, Alain, ed. L'Homme et la Rhétorique. Paris, France: Méridiens-Klincksieck, 1990.
  • Lempereur, Alain, ed. Revue Internationale de Philosophie. Special Issue on "Le Questionnement"/"Questioning," 174, 295-495 1990.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "European Safety and Institutional Coherence." Diplomatic Gazette (1990): 15-16.
  • Lempereur, Alain. "Métaphore et communication en sciences humaines." R.B.P.H 58. (1990): 608-621.
  • Meyer, Michel, Lempereur, A., ed. Figures et conflits rhétoriques. Brussels, Belgium: Ed. Université de Bruxelles, 1990.
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