Visiting Fellow
Max Weber Programme for Postdoctoral Studies
Contact info
[email protected]
Bohdan Bernatskyi is a Max Weber fellow at the European University Institute and a Senior Lecturer at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (he teaches diplomatic law and the course on sanctions). His current research focuses on the prohibition of political parties and international sanctions. In 2019, Mr Bernatskyi defended a PhD thesis on “Forming the Ukrainian model of the prohibition of political parties in light of international standards and practices” at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.Mr Bernatskyi is contributing to the work of Project Expedite Justice in Ukraine. Also, he is a founder of an online sanctions platform, Sanctions Finder, with information about all designations imposed by the US, EU and UK. The concept of his platform is to cultivate a culture of good governance by properly managing open data in the sanctions area.During the 1st-year fellowship at EUI, Mr Bernatskyi worked on the academic paper “Why and when democracies ban political parties: a classification of democratic orientations to party bans”. The following academic priorities include accomplishing the project about sanctions from a data perspective.Earlier, Mr Bernatskyi participated in numerous working groups in the Ukrainian Parliament and government, including groups on political party reform and transitional justice design.