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Portrait picture of Ellen Margaretha Immergut

Ellen Margaretha Immergut

Full-time Professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

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[+39] 055 4685 498

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Villa Sanfelice, SF028

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Sofia Altesini

Working languages

English, German, Swedish

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Ellen Margaretha Immergut

Full-time Professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences


Ellen M. Immergut joined the EUI as Chair in Political Science in September 2017. She is on leave from her position as Chair in Comparative Politics at Humboldt Universität Berlin, and has previously held professorships at the University of Konstanz and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She received her BA, MA and PhD degrees from Harvard University. She is currently Scientific Programme Coordinator for the transnational research programme Welfare State Futures (WSF), launched by the New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Co-operation in Europe (NORFACE). The WSF programme features a Europe-wide network of researchers gathered around fifteen large projects comprising 60 principal investigators and more than 200 researchers designed to ask, and answer, fundamental questions about the design, delivery and experience of welfare in the 21st century from a variety of perspectives and disciplines. She delivered the State of the Union address at the 2018 State of the Union Conference on “Solidarity in Europe”

Research projects, clusters and working groups


Additional information

Ellen M. Immergut, Tarik Abou-Chadi, Diana Burlacu, Pauline Defant, Matthias Orlowski, Andra Roescu, and Mirko Wegemann, 2021. VAPS Veto Points Data Set, European University Institute and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,

Ellen M. Immergut and Simone M. Schneider, “Is it unfair for the affluent to be able to purchase “better” healthcare? Existential standards and institutional norms in healthcare attitudes across 28 countries,” Social Science & Medicine,

Immergut, E. (2018), ‘Welfare State Futures: What Role for Solidarity?’, State of the Union Adress, EUI, BUYINGTIME Florence

Abou-Chadi, Tarik and Ellen M. Immergut (2018) “Recalibrating Social Protection: Electoral Competition and the New Partisan Politics of the Welfare State” European Journal of Political Research, DOI: 10.1111/1475-6765.12308.

Burlacu, Diana, Ellen M. Immergut, Maria Oskarson and Björn Rönnerstrand (2018) “The Politics of Credit Claiming: Rights and Recognition in Health Policy Feedback” Social Policy & Administration 52 (4), 880-894.

Ellen M. Immergut, “Welfare State Futures: Supporting Solidarity in Europe,”

EUI RSCAS PP; 2019/09; Special Edition for the EP Elections 2019, URI:, ISSN: 1830-1541 

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