Fernand Braudel Fellow
Department of History
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[+39] 055 4686 719
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Evrim Türkçelik is an Associate Professor of History in the Department of History at the Social Sciences University of Ankara. He earned his PhD from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in 2012. He specializes in Ottoman Mediterranean policy during the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, with a particular focus on Spanish-Ottoman relations in the Early Modern period, as well as the networks of Ottoman admirals in the Mediterranean and the Ottoman court. Among his publications are "El Imperio otomano y la política de alianzas: las relaciones francootomanas en el tránsito del siglo XVI al XVII," published in Hispania, 75(249) (2015), 39–68; "Meritocracy, Factionalism and Ottoman Grand Admirals in the Context of Mediterranean Politics" in A Europe of Courts, a Europe of Factions (Leiden: Brill, 2017), 88–108; "The Best-Kept Secret in the Mediterranean: Barbarossa's 1534 Tunis Campaign" in Mediterranea Ricerche-Storiche 17 (2020), 373–394; and "Las negociaciones falsas: agentes e impostores entre la Monarquía Hispana y el Imperio Otomano (1590-1625)," in Reconocer al infiel: la representación en la diplomacia hispano-musulmana, siglos XVI y XVII (Sílex Universidad, 2021), 145–162.