Filip Kostelka holds the Chair in Political and Social Change while on leave from the Department of Government at the University of Essex. Filip earned a Ph.D. in Political Science from Sciences Po, Paris and held predoctoral and postdoctoral appointments at the College of Europe, Bruges; University of Montreal; and University of Barcelona.
His research interests cover the fields of political behaviour, party politics, and regime change. Among other topics, he studies why and when citizens (don't) vote or protest, and how different political and contextual factors (e.g. political regime change, institutional reform, etc.) affect citizens' behaviour and attitudes (e.g. democratic satisfaction).
Geographically, Filip focuses on countries in Central and Eastern Europe, comparing them with polities in Western Europe and other regions. He mostly uses quantitative research methods, including time-series cross-section data analysis, survey data analysis, and experimental methods. His research has been published in journals such as the American Political Science Review, British Journal of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies, and World Politics; and publicised in media outlets such as Le Monde, Washington Post, Radio Canada, France Inter, and Euroactiv.