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Portrait picture of Juho Härkönen

Juho Härkönen

Full-time Professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Contact info

[email protected]

[+39] 055 4685 426


Badia Fiesolana, BF184

Office hours

Monday, 13:00-16:00

Administrative contact

Monika Rzemieniecka

Working languages

Finnish, English

Curriculum vitae

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Juho Härkönen

Full-time Professor

Department of Political and Social Sciences


Juho Härkönen is Professor of Sociology, Dean of Postdoctoral Studies and Director of the Max Weber Programme for Postdoctoral Studies at the European University Institute. He joined the EUI in February 2018, while on leave from Stockholm University. He took his PhD from the EUI in 2007, and was a postdoc at Yale before moving to Stockholm in 2009. He was visiting professor at the University of Turku (2010-18).

His research interests cover life course research, the causes and consequences of family dynamics and structure, social stratification, and health. His recent publications have covered antecedent and outcomes of divorce, social stratification in health, and educational inequality.

Juho Härkönen supervises dissertations on the above topics, but is also open to advising doctoral work more broadly on topics in sociology. Although he uses quantitative methods in his own work, he open to projects using qualitative methods as well.

As Director of the Max Weber Programme and Dean of Postdoctoral Studies, he is responsible for the overall management of the Programme.

Juho Härkönen is also co-director of the Comparative Life Course and Inequality Research Centre, and of Florence Population Studies, and editor-in-chief of Advances in Life Course Research.

Recent research output

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Additional information

Seminar: Sociology, together with Herman van de Werfhorst and Arnout van de Rijt (Winter 2023)

Workshop:  Longitudinal data analysis: Sequence analysis and growth curve models (Spring 2023)

Seminar: Life course research: change and inequality over human lives (Winter 2023)

Workshop: Panel Data (Spring 2022)

Seminar: Social Demography (Spring 2022)

Seminar: Intermediate Quantitative Methods (Winter 2021)

Workshop: Measurement in the social sciences, organised with L. Littvay, CEU (Spring 2021)

Seminar: Advanced topics in life course research, together with Fabrizio Bernardi (Winter 2020)

Seminar: Introduction to Quantitative Methods, together with Arnout van de Rijt (Autumn 2020)

Workshop: Sequence Analysis in the Social Demography (Spring 2020), organised with Anette Fasang (Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences)

Workshop: Multilevel modelling (Spring 2020), organised with L. Littvay (Max Weber Fellow)

Workshop: Panel Data Analysis (Spring 2020), organised with R. Grotti (Research Fellow)

Seminar: Social Demography (Winter 2020)

Seminar: Introduction to Quantitatve Methods, together with Arnout van de Rijt (Autumn 2019)

Workshop: Panel Data Analysis (Spring 2019), organised with R. Grotti (Research Fellow)

Workshop: Event History Analysis (Spring 2019)

Seminar: Life Course Research (Winter 2019)

Seminar: Introduction to Quantitative Methods (together with Elias Dinas) (Autumn 2018)

Seminar: Multilevel modelling (Winter 2018)

More information

26 - 28 October 2022; Popfest 2022

18 - 19 October 2019: Divorce conference, co-organised with F. Bernardi and the University of Florence

To ensure that your request is directed to the appropriate person, please refer to the following information about our administrative contacts:

  • Monika Rzemieniecka is the Professor Härkönen Administrative Staff Contact for the Department of Political and Social Sciences. If your request pertains to this department, please contact Monika through her email.

  • Claudia Angelini  is the Professor Härkönen Administrative Staff Contact for the Max Weber Programme for Postdoctoral Studies. If your request pertains to this program, please contact Claudia through her email.

By contacting the correct administrative contact, you can help ensure that your request is addressed in a timely and efficient manner. If you are unsure which contact to reach out to, feel free to let us know and we will be happy to guide you in the right direction.

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