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Portrait picture of Karolina Koziura

Karolina Koziura

Max Weber Fellow

Department of History

Max Weber Fellow

Max Weber Programme for Postdoctoral Studies

Contact info

[email protected]

[+39] 055 4685 517


Badia Fiesolana, BF414


Karolina Koziura is a historical sociologist whose work combines comparative studies of colonialism and empire, environmental history, and politics of knowledge in/about Eastern Europe. Karolina received her PhD in sociology and historical studies from the New School for Social Research in 2023. During her graduate studies, Karolina was a visiting fellow at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna, NYU Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia, and at the Open Society Archives in Budapest. Her research was published in, among other places, the European Journal of Sociology and East European Politics, Societies, and Culture.

As a Max Weber Fellow, Karolina is revising her dissertation for a monograph, tentatively titled: ‘Erasing violence: political contest over the recognition of the Great Ukrainian Famine of 1932-1933.’ Based on multinational and multilingual archival research conducted in seven countries, interviews, and ethnographic observations the project examines the emergence, dissemination, and contestation of different global narratives about the Ukrainian famine, known today as the Holodomor, from the 1930s until the post-socialist moment. At the EUI, Karolina also plans to develop her second project on the uneven distribution of epistemic power in writing the environmental history of European borderlands.

At the New School, Karolina taught numerous courses related to historical sociology, politics of memory, comparative history of mass violence and reckoning. She also gave public lectures at the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna, Central European University, and Maynooth National University of Ireland.

Research projects, clusters and working groups



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