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Portrait picture of Laurène Le Cozanet

Laurène Le Cozanet

Max Weber Fellow

Department of Law

Max Weber Fellow

Max Weber Programme for Postdoctoral Studies

Contact info

[email protected]

[+39] 055 4685 654


Badia Fiesolana, BF420


Laurène Le Cozanet received her PhD in Political Science from Paris Dauphine PSL University (2019). Her research focuses on the governmental uses of digital technologies and their regulation. In other words, she examines what the rise of digital technologies is doing to politics. Co-winner of the Eicher Prize 2022 for her thesis on the 'vocationalisation' of university curricula, she has held postdoctoral positions at CNAM and IFRIS / EHESS (France).

As a Max Weber Fellow, Laurène intends to begin new research on European interoperability policy, promoting the ability of digital technologies and services to share information. She will explore the way in which the pursuit of interoperability calls into question the boundary between the public and the private, constitutive of politics in its modern definition. This project follows on from her previous research on the history of personal data protection, combining science and technology studies (STS) with history and sociology of Law.

Laurène has taught Political Science, history of Anthropology, Sociology of education, STS and social science fieldwork at undergraduate, masters and doctoral level at various institutions including Paris Dauphine PSL University, Sciences Po Paris, École normale supérieure and Université de Lyon. She has co-organised doctoral workshops in STS in France and India, seminars (contemporary forms of industry; multidisciplinary approach to data) and conferences (relations between universities and the ‘economy’; history of the social security number; publics of quantification).

Research projects, clusters and working groups



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