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Portrait picture of Noa De La Vega

Noa De La Vega

Max Weber Fellow

Department of Economics

Max Weber Fellow

Max Weber Programme for Postdoctoral Studies

Contact info

[email protected]

[+39] 055 4685 696


Badia Fiesolana, BF426


Noa de la Vega is a PhD candidate at the Eitan Berglas School of Economics, Tel Aviv University. She was a member of the Israel Polak fellows programme for outstanding PhD students and was awarded a prestigious scholarship from the Israeli Council for Higher Education. Noa earned her MA in Economics, cum laude, and her BA in Economics and Psychology, summa cum laude, from Ben-Gurion University.

Noa specializes in labour economics and applied econometrics. Her research interests include labour market behaviour, gender economics, behavioural economics, and tax policy. She has conducted research projects that examined the impact of first childbirth on parents' labour supply, the influence of economic incentives on fertility, and the role of information barriers in implementing public policies. Her work has been published in the Labour Economics journal.

During her Fellowship period, Noa plans to conduct studies on the differential effect of the education system lockdown on fathers' and mothers' careers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition to her research, Noa has been a lecturer for the undergraduate core course ‘Introduction to Econometrics’ at Tel Aviv University since 2020. She has been able to share her expertise and teaching experience to guide students in this field.

Research projects, clusters and working groups


  • Sule Alan (Former EUI Professor)
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