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Research project

CLAUDETTE IV - Assessing Multilingual Terms of Services

This project has received funding via the EUI Research Council call 2023.

CLAUDETTE IV will develop an AI tool for compliance assessment of terms of services in different EU languages under the UCTD. In previous CLAUDETTE projects, we demonstrated that unfair terms and privacy clauses can be detected through machine learning. We experimented with several strategies for multilingualism. Building on this basis, the planned research will: (1) expand Claudette languages through a multilingual corpus; (2) experiment with Natural Language Processing techniques for multilingualism, including Large Language Models; (3) extend the Claudette web server to allow users to submit query documents in multiple languages, automatically recognized; and (4) analyse unfair market practices across different EU Countries.

The team

Group members

  • Portrait picture of Francesca Lagioia

    Francesca Lagioia

    Part-time Professor

    Department of Law

  • Marco Lippi

    Associate Professor

    Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia

  • Agniezska Jablonowska

    University of Leiden

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