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Research project

'Durable solutions' for displaced child migrants in Europe

This project has received funding via the EUI Research Council call 2023.

‘Durable Solutions’ seek to reinstate a child’s rights during and/or after migration/displacement. They comprise: (i) sustainable reintegration (origin country); (ii) local integration (host country); and/or (iii) relocation/resettlement (third country). Central to a durable solution is reasoning about a child's ‘best interests’. The project will address four questions:

  • How does local variation in governance systems shape ‘best interests’?
  • Can ‘best interests’ be reconciled with varying levels of public/political support for different displaced groups?
  • Are proper safeguards evident in reasoning about ‘best interests’?
  • How does reasoning about ‘best interests’ vary within and between states?
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