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Research project

European elections mobilisation and participation hub 2024 (EUROHUB24)

The central ambition of the project "European elections mobilisation and participation hub 2024" (EUROHUB24) is to be the leading source of information for the 2024 European Parliament (EP) Elections across Europe.

This project is funded by the The Foundation to Promote Open Society

EUROHUB24 consists of three pillars. The first one, EU&I, is a Voting Advice Application (VAA) aimed at helping citizens make an informed choice in the 2024 European Parliament (EP) elections. Available in over 20 languages, this online tool invites users to react to policy statements covering a wide range of contemporary policy issues and political values in European politics, and then shows them which European and national parties best match their preferences. Developed by the European Governance and Politics Programme, in collaboration with a scientific committee of VAA scholars based at the Universities of Lausanne and Lucerne, EU&I is based on party programmes and other sources, providing voters with a broad view of the European political landscape and their individual positions within it.

The second project within EUROHUB24, SpacEU, is an interactive database informing users on their electoral rights allowing them to compare the conditions and requirements for voting in their country of residence and/or citizenship.

The third pillar of this initiative, EuroMPmatch, is an informative tool providing users with a party match, similarly to EU&I, but based on past voting behaviour of Members of Parliament in EP.

The main goals of EUROHUB24 are to inform and mobilise citizens by providing a clear, unbiased tools that simplify the electoral choices and shows which parties best match their preferences. This aims to create a more informed, less polarized, and politically active citizenry, thereby enhancing the legitimacy of the EP elections by making them more relevant and transnational. Users can compare their preferences not only with national parties but also with parties across EU member states, and see the voting records of European party groups from past legislatures, thus increasing familiarity with the EP's internal dynamics.

Additionally, the project seeks to educate mobile EU citizens about their voting rights, increasing awareness and supporting the implementation of EU laws and policies. This helps mobile citizens understand the political systems of their host countries, contributing to their socio-political integration.

Academically, EUROHUB24 aims to map attitudes and key campaign issues at both party and citizen levels. By providing a unique dataset on party positions, it fosters further research on the European political landscape, which can be used to create policy-relevant articles and briefs. This research will enhance the understanding of party and public opinion dynamics on crucial issues such as geopolitics, climate, and economic security.

The team

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