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Research project

InDivEU - Integrating diversity in the European Union

InDivEU is a consortium that aims to contribute to the debate on the ‘Future of Europe’ by re-assessing, developing and testing a range of models and scenarios for different levels of integration among EU member states.

The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 822304

InDivEU started with the assumption that managing heterogeneity and deep diversity is a continuous and growing challenge in the evolution of the EU and the dynamic of European integration. InDivEU aimed to maximise our knowledge of Differentiated Integration by systematically pursuing four research objectives: the models and visions, the preferences of citizens, governments and parties, the causes and effects, and other forms of flexibility.

The project has published two databases on the uses of Differentiated Integration and two data sets on public opinion and flexible implementation. This work was complemented by focusing on key policy fields as well as on the EU’s relations with its neighbours. Finally, InDivEU included thorough analysis of the preferences of citizens, parties and governments on Differentiated Integration.

InDivEU used various methods and data sources to explore Differentiated Integration conceptually and normatively, describe its historical trajectory and patterns, examine its causes and effects, study alternative forms of flexibility, and provide evidence-based policy advice on designing future forms of Differentiated Integration.

It brought to bear the key disciplines of political theory, political science, law and economics that assured the trans-disciplinary analysis of Differentiated Integration necessary to go beyond the state of the art. Stakeholders have been an integral part of the research process and stakeholder knowledge is fully integrated into the project through a series of seven stakeholder forums.

Four critical groups of stakeholders in particular were identified for the purposes of this study: academics, policy makers, civil society organisations and citizens.

Smart dissemination, exploitation and proactive communication plans leveraged the potential of a variety of communication mediums and the multiplier capacity of our combined consortium of research universities, institutes of international relations and think tanks. The aim was to extend the impact of the project to the world of education and training so that its enduring legacy is assured.

InDivEU has combined excellent academic research with the capacity to translate research findings into policy design and advice. The research was be supported by professional expertise and knowledge in project management, exploitation, dissemination and communication.

Find out more about the outputs and publications of the project on its website.

The team

Group members

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