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Research project

MORES - Moral emotions in politics

How they unite, how they divide

This project is funded by the EU's Horizon Europe programme, Grant Agreement no. 101132601

MORES argues that moral emotions and moralised political identities – a conceptual innovation of the project – have a practical value in dealing with the challenges of affective politics. Moral emotions are linked to the interests or welfare of society or at least of persons other than the subject itself.

MORES will create state-of-the-art methods and generate new empirical data on:

  • the type of moral emotions triggered by political actions and phenomena such as campaigns, leadership styles and illiberal politics;
  • the role of moral emotions informing moralised political identities;
  • the effect of moral emotions on political behaviour such as policy support and civic activism;
  • and the contextual social phenomena, including digital universes, of the moral emotions-politics nexus.

MORES will create several innovative tools including a method for policymakers to measure the emotional valence of policies, games to strengthen citizens’ political-emotional resilience both in real life and metaverses, and policy ideas to embed citizens’ moral-emotional needs in policymaking towards bolstering trust in democratic governance.

The team

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