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Research project

Quantitative Text Analysis of Post-WW2 intellectual discourse

This project has received funding via the EUI ESR call 2022, dedicated to Early Stage Researchers.

How do people conceptualize an interim, unstable period? Do they refer to the past, or are they focused on the future? How do they imagine the very moment they find themselves in?

The project consists of a Quantitative Discourse Analysis from four countries: Poland, France, the UK and Germany, published between 1944 and 1948 in socio-political and literary magazines, such as the Polish Odrodzenie magazine or the French revue Les Temps modernes. The main goal is to better understand the immediate post-WW2 European public discourse by inquiring what were the main axes of concern in European societies. Therefore, the analysis will focus on two dimensions: a temporal one; and one related to certain key concepts.



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