Research project STG Transnational Democracy Programme The STG Transnational Democracy Programme is an interdisciplinary, inter-institutional hub committed to producing action-oriented research that empowers the public in policy making across borders. Print Share on Facebook Share on X Share on LinkedIn Send by email Visit the dedicated Project Website → Through its seminars and publications, the programme interrogates cutting edge innovations in representative, direct and deliberative democracy and synergies between these forms of engagement. The programme adopts a holistic ethos towards institutional change and is concerned with civic participation of all kinds - from elections to referendums to social movements and citizens’ assemblies. The team Group members View profile Andrea Gaiba Project Associate Florence School of Transnational Governance View Andrea Gaiba profile External Partners France Alternatives Européennes Association (ALTEREURO) - European Alternatives (EUROALTER) Visit website France Democracy Next Visit website France Particip-Action Visit website Greece The Democracy & Culture Foundation (DCF) Visit website