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Research project

The Socialist Group in the European Parliament

The project is on the Group of the Party of European Socialists (PES) in the European Parliament, headed by Prof. Daniele Caramani. The deliverable after one year will be a working paper. If funds will become available for two additional years, the final output of the project will be a book, which will become part of a series, edited by Prof. Caramani and Dr. Dieter Schlenker, on European political groups.

This project has received funding via the EUI Research Council call 2021.

The project on the Group of the Party of European Socialists (PES) in the European Parliament. In the first year the research team, headed by Prof. Daniele Caramani, will be assembled. It will include one part-time professor and two postdoctoral research associates. The deliverable after one year will be a working paper. If funds will become available for two additional years, the final output of the project will be a book, which will become part of a series, edited by Prof. Caramani and Dr. Dieter Schlenker, on European political groups.

The team

Group members

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